Friday, April 25, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

My Favourite "Transformer"




I think the food in the canteen is very unhealthy. After coming back from school,I will POO.It is very evil smelling!!!!!!!!!!! I would play with Juinn Guan basketball and starve to death in order to save more money. I am trying to find 2 stalls now Iam buying from stall #3 and the"popular"noobynoodle stall!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I do go to eat food during recess well, I do not really like the canteen food though, they are99%yucky!!!!!!!!!!!!! the other1% isEEEVVVVIIIILLLL(evil)!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


HandFootMouthDeseaise orHFMD is highly contageous. It is cause by cosakie virus and enterovirus71.the troat and tonsils develop small ulcers.Well good for me ,I dont have any of this monsterous child killing HFMD!!!